Mindy Kaling Blogging!

Kelly-Kapor-mindy-kaling-120423_751_1024Mindy Kaling, aka Kelly Kapoor on The Office, is one very underratted comedian in a time when female comedians are shining. She is not only a writer, producer, and actor in The Office, she has her hands in various other projects as well, such as developing a new comedy for NBC and writing hilariously useful blog posts on her shopping spree prizes on her blog Things I Bought that I Love. Her writing is so dead on to Kelly Kapoorthat you feel like your sitting in the Annex with Kelly shopping online on company time. Naughty.

I discovered the most comfortable thongs in the world thanks to her tip-off to Target brand Gilligan & O’Malley a year or so back. I had actually forgotten about the blog since then until Whitney announced that Mindy is back at the keyboard blogging about awesome clothes again. Yay!

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